Thursday, 8 December 2011

Shine Loves Mullers!

I received some lovely photos from Bea, our programme manager, and the following message: 
'This year Andrew took over a lot of the planning and was very visible in the schools. Everyone at Mullers has been approachable, friendly, supportive and concerned about the well-being and, of course, the on-going health of our children’s eyes. The centre managers and I have so enjoyed working with the Mullers team and we are looking forward to strengthening relationships with them next year.
On a particularly flustered day when arrangements went haywire, this is part of an sms I received from Andrew – I thanked him for making so many sacrifices for our children, and his response was as follows: "Helping the Shine children has been no sacrifice, it is what we all need to do as citizens of planet earth. The changes you and your organisation make humbles me. It is what we all need to do." ' 
We are only as strong as the people who support us. We feel like we have an ARMY of people behind us! Thank you to all involved at Mullers. 

The postman came to visit during their eye testing, and the children learnt about 'old fashioned' stamps!

Brevan and Andrew, with some of the children's thank-yous.