Dear Carrie,
Soon I’ll be leaving South Africa for good and, before I go, I would like to leave a few lines about my experience at Shine (and also share some pictures I have, as Bea recently urged us to do).
When I first came to Shine, I was desperately looking for an activity that could keep me busy as much as possible. My anxious mind was pushing me to be highly efficient, to achieve great results in a short time, to be ideally perfect (coming from a business background, it is too easy to fall into those fallacies).
I’ve been so lucky to meet Diane on my way. She has made me feel comfortable from the very first day. She knew how to calm me down and she told me all I needed to figure out: there can be no mistake if you sit down with a child with an open heart. So, I’ve gone for it, trying to set me free from my own judgmental character.
When I saw myself in the position of a learning partner at Shine, I had to exercise much more than teaching skills. The world was no longer running according to my clock. At Shine, it’s no use to get things done. It is not the destination what matters the most, it is the path we track together with each and every child.
At Shine I’ve definitely improved great virtues like patience, mindfulness, humility, empathy toward my learning-fellows (aren’t we always learning in this life?) and cooperative spirit. I’ve had good laughs too, of course. This experience has deeply changed my perspectives about life, future and motherhood.
I’d like to thank wholeheartedly to all Shine staff, specially Diane, my lovely colleagues at Claremont Primary School and my little fellows, from whom I’ve learnt more than I’ve taught. I hope you all have a shining 2012!
Sincerely yours,
Charlene, November 2011.'