Friday, 31 August 2012

A message from Joan in Durban

We received a lovely email from Joan in Durban today, who has started to use the Shine games at her centre. I thought I would  post an extract: 'Thank you for all the amazing games...I have been meaning to take photo's of the volunteers and kids with the new games but keep getting distracted because we are all having so much fun! Most volunteers have been a little reluctant to start at Game one. There is a wonderful attitude of "My child is FAR too clever for this!" I think that really shows what wonderful relationships have been built between our learning partners. I have, however insisted they do start at the beginning and work through them all even though 'their' child is exceptional! 
What amazes me is the amount of thought that has gone into these games. Most of the children were able to say the sound that a particular letter makes and yet still needed Game two to enforce the beginning sounds.... Every game seems to give them more than what I could hope. What a privilege to have access to such amazing resources and to be able to invest them in these kids. Thanks again!
We are very happy to be able to share our resources with others: we are in the process of working with others so that they can become Shine Chapters: we just want to get our methods and resources out to others who are doing the same kind of work as us, and the games are a wonderful vehicle for this. 
A wipe sheet 
First sound lotto
End sound safari