Saturday, 28 July 2012

A thank you to Mullers

Andrew and Brevan from Mullers are casting their wonderful magic this week at our centres, and will continue their work over the next month or so. Over 100 children were assessed this week, and approximately 150 more children will be tested at all our schools in the next two weeks. Mullers have committed to screen every grade one child, any new child up to grade three, plus see the children who have already been treated by Mullers in previous years. In addition, Nikki from SDM Eyewear has very generously donated 50 pairs of frames to add to the alchemy. The next stage for Mullers once all the testing has been completed will be the diagnosis and follow-up with glasses if needed. We want to thank Mullers and SDM for their collaboration and for giving their time, expertise and product so willingly. We salute them for being part of the vision (if you will excuse the pun) that allows our children the opportunity to become better readers.