Friday, 4 May 2012

A testimonial from Jenny at Zonnebloem

Sometimes, a testimonial from a volunteer gives us an insight into the value of volunteering in a way we cannot really begin to imagine: 

'At the end of last year, after teaching in the UK for four years, I decided that it was time to bite the bullet and do what I had thought about doing since I left university 4 years ago...move abroad for a couple of months to volunteer with children in an environment where I hoped to meet new people, have new experiences and be able to make a positive difference to others.
It wasn't an easy decision to make, leaving a job I was happy in and moving away from close family and friends...but I can honestly say, over half way through my experience here, that it is the best decision I have ever made!

I have spent my time working at Shine, in Zonnebloem in the mornings and then with a foster family close by in the afternoons. Both of these experiences have been truly amazing and I am so lucky to have had these opportunities and to have met the people I have met during my time here.
From the day I started work at Shine, I was made to feel so welcome and felt at home there very quickly. 

Karen and all of the other wonderful volunteers at Zonnebloem have been amazing to work with. The Shine centre offers a real sense of community and is a place where everyone, including the children, are genuinely interested in each other and keen to help and learn from one another. The focus here is not on time and how quickly things must be done, which can often be the case in many places, but on the individual child and making sure that each session a child has at Shine is one in which they feel calm and relaxed and are able to Shine as an individual, gaining confidence in their own abilities.

One of my aims during my time in Cape Town, was to make a positive difference to the children I work with and to be able to teach them something new. Whilst I hope I have done this, I am sure the people here have taught me far more than I have taught them and so much I will be able to take back with me and hopefully share with others at home.

My time spent working with Bridget and her foster family in the afternoons has been one truly amazing experience, one which I am finding incredibly difficult to put into words! The six children living in the home, all coming from different backgrounds, with dfferent personalities and needs, have been put into the Home to live together as a family, with Brigitte and Gavin, two loving and dedicated foster parents. Being part of this family for two months, where all the children are given the best they can be given, made to feel valued and special for who they are and taught family values, has been utterly amazing and I feel very privilidged to have been part of their family life for this time. 

From the day I arrived here, I was made to feel so at home and a couple of weeks into my stay, I spent the day with Brigitte's large extended family, sharing amazing food, great company and interesting conversation. The only problem with feeling so at home here is that I fear I will find it just as hard to leave here as I did to leave home to come!

My time spent in Cape Town has been an incredible experience, which I can share with others, describe and reflect upon, however, one thing I will say is that if you ever have the chance to do a similar experiene to this, please do; as hard as I try, there is only so much that words can describe! I count myself extremely lucky to have had such a wonderful life experience, which will be part of me forever and would like to say a huge thank you to Karen at the Shine Centre and Brigitte and Gavin, as well as all the wonderful children I have worked with and everyone I have met, for making my time here so enjoyable. I look forward very much to my next visit!
Lots of love, Jenny'