Monday, 30 April 2012

A report on a Parent Workshop at Zonnebloem,from Maurita

55 parents took time out on Saturday afternoon to attend a Shine workshop on how they can support their child’s reading journey. Their children’s education is such a priority for them and they make huge sacrifices. Our Grade One Zonnebloem Parent Workshop was the first of our newly designed workshop. We were inspired by the Symphonia workshops called Schools at the Centre of Community.We wanted more time to really look at what children need when learning to read and how the community and family can support the child. There were lots of groups discussions and time to reflect on their own reading journey.
Chrysalis Academy helped us to make up reading books and each parent had two books to take home and the rest will go into their class reading clubs. Pinelands Rotary had also donated great workbooks.
The parents were really wonderful and I am always so inspired by them.