I attended the 'Wordworks' parent workshop on Saturday at St Agnes school, and sat in on one of the short, illustrative sessions. Merle, who is running the seven week course, is such an inspirational leader: she sparkles, and so do the parents under her excellent and loving guidance.With just a pair of gloves as a prop, she took us on such a journey of simple yet extra-ordinary discovery. She discussed with the parents the importance of language enrichment, and how an everyday object can become a useful vehicle to spark a child's imagination and curiosity.
Quietly taking the gloves out a basket, she first asked the parents what they were. "Gloves' came the definitive answer. 'That's right,' she guided, 'and what do we use them for? Why do we use them? What time of year would we use gloves?'
'What are they made of? That's right, wool. What animal produces wool? A sheep, yes, well done, and what is a baby sheep called?' 'Where does a sheep and its lamb live.... yes, a farm.....'
With skill and warmth, she illustrated a powerful yet effective skill, which is within reach of all of us: the potency of language and communication, illustrated with the added quality that makes all the difference between a child and a parent. Love.