'We received a lovely message from Rachel, one of our lovely US interns, who helped Karen at Zonnebloem for the last term of the year. We love the energy that our young helpers create, and the children enjoy the novelty of someone not much older than them to work with!
Rachel wrote:
'It's been over a month since I returned from Cape Town, but I still think fondly about my time at Shine & would like to give you some thoughts..... I worked at the Zonnebloem location three days a week with Karen Crossley and all the other wonderful volunteers who give their time on those mornings.
In a word, the experience was fantastic. From my first day of training with Bea, to my last days at Zonnebloem dishing out cupcakes, I was constantly impressed by Shine as an organization. Karen is a truly impressive woman, as are those who work with her. I can't say enough about their devotion, generosity, and compassion for the children at Zonnebloem. But I can certainly understand it. The children are total gems, and I genuinely miss them now that I'm back in America.
Working together with my learning partners was not always easy, though. I spent my first few lessons struggling for a balance between disciplining & having patience, but eventually I realized that it was okay to be silly. Part of the process and part of the centre's success is dependent on having fun and meeting goals at the student's pace. It was incredibly rewarding to see little changes in my learning partners: big hugs when they came through the door, new words in have-a-go writing, & best of all, an obvious sense of pride from their accomplishments.
I hope I'll be lucky enough to work with the Shine Centre again some day. Regardless, I will always remember the energy & focus all of Shine's volunteers invest in their efforts there, and I will let it inspire me in whatever I do next.
Thanks for a great three months and all the best, Rachel Hamlin
UNC Chapel Hill 2012'
Rachel, 4th from the left |