The St Agnes Shine Centre held a 'games morning' on their last Shine day. By reinventing traditional games with the help of tinfoil balls, cotton wool, dice and straws, the children and the volunteers were able to play the games indoors.
The games included dice duels, basket ball, javelin, shot put, tin-plate spinning and
tiddly-wink long jump. The children had a great time learning new skills while they played the games. They talked about comparative distances, time and speed, the concept of higher and lower, faster and longer, and further and furthest. They also spent time learning to use a tape measure.
The games included dice duels, basket ball, javelin, shot put, tin-plate spinning and
tiddly-wink long jump. The children had a great time learning new skills while they played the games. They talked about comparative distances, time and speed, the concept of higher and lower, faster and longer, and further and furthest. They also spent time learning to use a tape measure.
Daniswa, the St Agnes Shine Centre coordinator, ensured that the whole day went smoothly. The celebration ended with certificates and lollipops!
Thank you to Carolynne and all the St Agnes volunteers who helped make it happen. It was a fun and innovative end to the term.
Thank you to Carolynne and all the St Agnes volunteers who helped make it happen. It was a fun and innovative end to the term.
Dice throw duel |
Basket ball |
straw javelin |
Prize giving |