Thanks to the training and guidance from the Brombacher and Associates team, 24 children and 16 volunteers took part in a pilot maths programme launched at the Claremont Primary School Shine Centre on 16 August 2011.
Di Donaldson from Brombacher and Associates was on hand, offering support to the learning partners as they started on their new Number Sense workbooks. The Shine Centre Founder Director, Maurita Glynn Weissenberg, was present for the launch, along with Shine's programme manager, Bea Volbrecht, and the Claremont Shine coordinator, Di Kerswell.
After the opening, Donaldson answered the volunteers’ questions and offered suggestions on how to assist and encourage the children when using the workbooks.Thank you to the whole team for an informative and enjoyable session.
After the opening, Donaldson answered the volunteers’ questions and offered suggestions on how to assist and encourage the children when using the workbooks.Thank you to the whole team for an informative and enjoyable session.