Saturday, 13 August 2011

Parent Workshop at Claremont Primary, June 2011

We asked Claremont Shine centre coordinator, Di, to report back on the last Parent Workshop she ran.  Here's what she had to say:

'We were lucky that it was such a warm and welcoming day.  Mrs. Gouws set up the hall, putting tablecloths on all the tables and books out on display. 

We had a great response, with close to 80 parents taking part. The Shine Centre banner was up, and pictures were taken of the books donated by Kalahari. One of the teachers went to Wordworks earlier and prepared games and a fold-up book, all of which appeared on the tables. Each Shine Parent Pack had a library application form and a map of local library locations, as well as an Oprah magazine for the parents, plus sound sheets and activities for the children and parents to play together.  

The  highlight for us was to be able to give out the brand new books donated by Kalahari, to the first 40 arrivals! 16 tickets to Ratanga Junction were also donated, so we randomly drew smiley faces on the Shine Parent Packs and give four tickets per family to the lucky winners!  Principal Reddy commented on how pleased he was with the whole day, and Mrs. Gouws received a thank-you note from the governing body. The overall feedback was great. One father asked me to sound out all the sounds to him during tea time, which I thought was wonderful.  All of the parents were engaged, asking questions and telling us how much it helped. The entire morning was an overwhelming success!

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