Thursday, 21 July 2011

The experience of one of our overseas volunteers, Sabine Rieck.

Sabiene and Imtyaaz
Sabine Rieck was a volunteer at Zonn and St. Agnes earlier in the year and wrote this nice little article for the blog. The picture is at Zonn with Imtiyaaz Knowlden (Gr 2 boy)
My time in the Shine Centre
Reading is more than a necessary skill to be learned in school. The ability to read builds self-assurance.  It can provide a feeling of belonging in a community.  Reading creates a relationship between two or more people that is built on joint experiences. Reading stimulates our imagination. Most importantly, reading allows us to explore letters together.
These aspects of reading were shown to me during the two months I spent at the Zonnebloem and St. Agnes Shine Centres. It was wonderful to spend time with the children who, not only loved to come to the Shine Centre, but also really seemed to enjoy the sessions. 
It is unbelievable how fast the Shine children make individual progress.  While one child might begin to recognise vowels, another might fearlessly write a short sentence, or read a story about Kipper and his friends. No matter what obstacles the children are up against, the experience they gain in learning something new creates self-confidence.  Everyone  involved in this process shines a little bit.
I really enjoyed my sessions with the children.  It was always great fun, and it made me feel like I was doing something meaningful during my time in South Africa.
My special thanks go to Karen, the Zonnebloem Shine Centre coordinator, and Daniswa, the St. Agnes Shine Centre coordinator, who were very welcoming, always motivated and constantly willing to answer my questions.
And of course, thanks to all the children I was able to work with- I enjoyed the time I spent with you!

1 comment:

Maurita said...

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us and for giving us your precious time. It's because of people like you that we are changing someone's life in a significant way. With warm regards and deep appreciation, Maurita