Wednesday, 8 June 2011

A testimonial from one of our lovely overseas interns, Roxy.

During my three months in Cape Town I did the most incredible things, from flying in a helicopter over the beautiful city, to hiking Lions Head and Table Mountain. But the most fulfilling part of my trip was spent at the Shine Centre. 
When I first heard about Shine, I was very excited at the thought of working with the children, knowing that I would be helping them develop their reading and writing skills.  It was only after I started volunteering in the Shine Centres, that I realised how much of an impact the hourly sessions actually have on the kids.  Not only do the lessons improve the children’s literacy, the one-to-one times also build self-confidence and enhances their understanding of the English language. 
The Shine Centre is such a fitting name for this organization. As a volunteer, I watched the children shine with each and every word they read. The sense of achievement that the children felt when they finished a book was contagious. The Shine Centre coordinators and volunteers were so friendly, making it an absolute joy to go to the schools.  Every day I spent at the Shine Centre made me smile.
I have absolutely loved my time at Shine. I will never forget it and I know, without a doubt, that I will return.
We will welcome you back like a long-lost daughter, Roxy! Travel safely.
Roxy and Kamva

Roxy and Karen, our Zonnebloem Link

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