Saturday, 2 April 2011

Outreach Workshop on 31st of March 2011

On Thursday, March 31st we held an Outreach Workshop for 12 people interested in either opening a literacy centre or learning skills to enhance an existing project. It was a hands-on day; a very practical approach for organisations and individuals to really un-pack what it takes to run a literacy centre. Thank you to CDRA for allowing us to host the event on their premises. The delegates came from as far as Durban and as near as Khayelitsha, SHAWCO from UCT, Western Cape Education Department and Retreat. In the workshop we discussed how to set up a literacy centre, operations, how to actually run a centre and demonstrated Paired and Shared Reading. This was a fantastic group of people who were very excited about the information and gave us great feedback that we will use in planning for future workshops.  Maurita and Carrie enjoyed interacting with the group by using the 'Time to Think' method (by Nancy Kline) that includes discussing issues in thinking pairs, as a round, and an open discussion which we find gives everyone a voice.  We look forward to our next workshop, which will be onWednesday, June 15th. Thank you to everyone for coming and joining us last week!

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