Friday, 25 March 2011

Our amazing web of care.

Cynthia Ndaba, Grade 5, Prestwich St

 Cynthia Ndaba in Grade 5 at Prestwich recently underwent a squint correction operation.
  Thank you to Dr Andrew Perrott at Vincent Pallotti for making it possible for Cynthia to undergo surgery at the Red Cross Hospital in February 2011. 
 The Mullers Team in Cape Town first saw Cynthia last year, and through an incredible network of 'who knows who,' as can only happen in this most incredible city-village called Cape Town, Cynthia was seen and her operation was a great success. Sally James, (our previous Programme manager)  and her brother played a very large part in making this happen.... powerful stuff. A HUGE thank you to all involved. 
As you can see from the photograph, Cynthia is so pleased with the results achieved. Sadly she has very little vision in that eye, but it has transformed what she looks like which will give her an amazing chance in life.

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