Monday, 14 March 2011

Extramural Education Project (EMEP)

Jonny Gevisser of EMEP

Carrie and Kathryn were invited to the graduation of the second intake of schools in EMEP’s
‘Beyond the School Wall – Developing Extra-Mural Opportunities’ Programme at Luhlaza High School, Makhabeni Road, Khayelitsha. 
This event was a joint initiative with the WCED through Education Districts South, East, Overberg, and Winelands, as well as with the Department of Social Development through the West Coast District. EMEP works with willing schools to expand their time and services for improving both learning and developmental outcomes. The first step is building up an extramural sector in their out-of-classroom time. During the graduation,we heard from the schools themselves about their experiences.
Carrie and I were delighted to receive the invitation to the event.  It was truly an inspirational gathering, and it made us ever more aware that the intervention that EMEP are doing at school level is extremely ground-breaking:a 'paradigm shift' in thinking, and quite a revolutionary way of thinking for SA. We applaud EMEP, and wish them luck with their next intake of schools. The presentations and talks were inspirational, and it was so exciting to see that the staff of each school was empowered, and that they totally recognised that ' they were the change they wanted to see.' 
We loved the phrase Jonny Gevisser from EMEP used when describing the work the organisation does: he referred to ...' making the path as you walk...' very powerful stuff. 
Thank you to all for a fun and life-affirming morning.
We were entertained....
By some incredibly talented young women...
One of the West Coast Schools inspiring presentations
Kathryn and Carrie in front of some of the beautiful craft work that had been created in
the extra mural sessions

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